Damenchor Germania was founded in 1932. It is an affiliate of the German-American Central Society and participates in all of the fests at Hickory Grove, as well as sponsors a booth at the Oktoberfest on the Peoria Riverfront. Damenchor is currently 130 members strong, and performs throughout the country at both regional and national Sängerfests, locally for churches, nursing homes, and various other cultural functions, along with our annual concert.
Our purpose is to promote German music, heritage, and traditions. We do this by continuing to participate in various civic and social events in the Peoria area, ensuring a German cultural presence in Peoria and surrounding communities.
Business meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. Singing practice begins in February and extends through April. These practices are held with rehearsals and performances for special events throughout the year.